Clinical Guidance

This page features links to clinical guidance and articles from useful sources. Click on each item to access the article.

Gender Prescribing Guidance

Click below to access:

  • LMC summary of guidance on management of gender incongruence in primary care
  • Joint LMC letter regarding inappropriate requests from gender identity services

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LMC Guidance on Tasking in Clinical Systems

This guidance outlines the LMC’s position on ‘Tasks’, which is that they should not be used as a method of communicating between providers and GP practices. It includes guidance for practices on how to respond to ‘Tasks’ as a communications route from other providers. Read more.

Death Certification Guidance

Guidance on:

  • Death certification
  • The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD)
  • The role of the Medical Examiner.

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Managing Patients’ Post-Bariatric Surgery

List of FAQs on the management and monitoring of patients who have undergone bariatric surgery.

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Acute Cough and Pneumonia

This Red Whale update combines a number of different NICE guidelines: from symptom-based guidance (acute cough) to disease-based guidance (e.g. pneumonia). Read the update.

How Will NICE’s Updated Guidance Affect Menopause Consultations?

This Medscape UK article reviews NICE’s new recommendations on managing the menopause with medications and therapy, addressing controversy around the use of evidence. Read the update.

Poverty and Mental Health

This NB Medical Education article follows a recent study which found that clinicians often lacked confidence in discussing socio-economic issues. It examines ways to explore options with patients for holistic support with finances, social isolation and mental health. Read the update.

PSA Testing in Asymptomatic Men

This Red Whale article looks at deciding whether to have a PSA test; shared decision-making and the evidence behind it; how to do the test well; and what to do with the results.

Kidney Stones

This NB Medical article summarises new research which highlights that as well as all the myriad of benefits currently discovered for SGLT2 inhibitors, they may also have a role in the prevention of recurrent renal stones.

Diverticular Disease

‘Diverticular disease’ is a term that encompasses the spectrum of presentations and complications of diverticulosis. This Medscape article looks at signs,  symptoms, and management.

Bleeding and Haemorrhage in Advanced Cancer

Significant bleeding may occur in 10–20% of people with advanced cancer. This Red Whale article looks at causes, treatment, discussion with patients, and preparation to deal with bleeding.

Menopause Management

New draft NICE menopause guidelines caused considerable disquiet when they were published in 2023. After a consultation process, the guideline is now out in its final format. This NB Medical article suggests there is plenty to celebrate, but also some disappointing missed opportunities.

Tobacco Cessation

This concise guidelines summary from Medscape covers World Health Organization (WHO) evidence-based recommendations for clinicians treating adult tobacco users, including behavioural and pharmacological interventions.

Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is the most common paediatric glomerular disease, characterised by heavy proteinuria, low plasma albumin (leading to oedema) and increased risk of infection. This Red Whale article looks at how the condition might present, and also the long-term care children need to help prevent relapses and reduce the risk of serious complications.

Recurrent UTIs in Women

Recurrent UTIs are a significant source of problems and distress for patients, and a similar source of repeated appointments for us in general practice. This NB Medical article explores recent research on a condition that is very common and can easily be missed due to a combination of patient under-reporting, self-treatment, and the increased number of places patients can now present for treatment of UTI symptoms.

Management of Older People with Type 2 Diabetes and Frailty

This recorded session from Medscape discusses how to appropriately manage older people with type 2 diabetes, with a focus on increasing quality of life and preventing functional decline. Includes useful case studies to aid understanding.

Identifying and Supporting Patients Experiencing Domestic Abuse

In this filmed session Dr Vasumathy Sivarajasingam covers facts about domestic abuse, the role of primary care, how to recognise and support people experiencing domestic abuse, and practical steps that primary care teams can take when responding to domestic abuse. Watch at Medscape UK.

Sexually Transmitted Enteric Infections (STEI)

This NB Medical Education article follows the release by the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) of the first ever National Guideline for Management of STEI last year. This guidance was released in response to increasing rates of STEI and the emergence of multidrug resistant strains, and it includes plenty of learning points for us in primary care. Read more at NB Medical Education.

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia

By the age of 60y, 50% of men and 30% of women with familial hypercholesterolaemia will have had an MI. Treatment returns cardiovascular risk to near-population risk, but over a third of people with the condition in the UK are under-treated, leaving them at increased risk of CV events. Read more at Red Whale.