Complaints and Compliments

If you have a compliment or a complaint about our service, we want to hear about it.

We aim to provide the best service we can but may sometimes fall short of the mark – if this is the case, please speak to us.  We see honest feedback as a way to help us improve our standards and you will not be treated any differently because you have complained about our service.  We will simply do our best to put right anything that has gone wrong.

At the same time, we would very much like to hear from you if you have something good to say about the LMC’s service.  Hearing about how we have helped you or your organisation can help us to understand which of our services really makes a difference to our constituents.

You can make a complaint in person, in writing, by email or by phone using the contact details below.  You can also send us a compliment via any of these routes.

Humberside Group of Local Medical Committees Ltd, Suite 1 Parkgate House, Hesslewood Office Park, Ferriby Road, Hessle HU13 0QF

Tel: 01482 655111


If your complaint is regarding a member of the LMC staff team, it should be directed in the first instance to the Chief Executive.

If your complaint relates to the Chief Executive, it should be directed to the Chair of the LMC in your area.  You can obtain contact information from the office on request.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of receipt and you will receive a full response within 25 working days.  Some complaints are more complicated and take longer to investigate.  If a full reply cannot be provided within this timescale, we will keep you updated of progress, the reason for the delay and inform you of a revised date by which you can expect our full response.

Further details of how we deal with complaints can be found in our Complaints and Compliments policy.