Freedom to Speak
Up Guardian
Our Freedom to
Speak Up Service
Humberside LMCs offers a Freedom to Speak Up service to anyone working in primary care in our four Place areas who wishes to raise a concern. Any members of staff from GP practices can speak up about concerns they have which they feel are not being listened to by their own management reporting. Reasons you may wish to speak up might include if you feel you are being affected by racism or discrimination.
All constituents within the region covered by Humberside LMCs (East Yorkshire, Hull, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire) are included in the scope of our policy to give everyone the confidence to speak up at the earliest possible opportunity, using Humberside LMCs’ Freedom to Speak Up Guardian or your own organisational Freedom to Speak Up Guardians.
Dr Rolan Schreiber is our trained Freedom to Speak Up Guardian.
Contact us via or call 01482 655111.