GPMplus have shared an important update regarding their services in the Humber area:
GPMplus has been providing support services to practice teams in Humber & North Yorkshire since 2021. During this time our services have been supported and commissioned by HNY ICB, allowing our services to be accessed free at the point of contact for practice staff. We are proud to have provided over 700 course places to practice staff, and supported 225 mentees, over the last 3 years.
Unfortunately, due to financial pressures felt in many areas, HNY ICB have not been in a position to continue to commission GPMplus services for General Practice in 24/25 – we are therefore now in the process of winding down our commissioned services in HNY as follows:
- GPMplus education services – the commissioned services ceased at the end of September, however GPMplus is self-funding the service until 31 December. Therefore you can continue to access our education services for a further 3 months. Places are limited so please do book as soon as possible.
- GPMplus mentoring – we will continue to support all mentees currently registered with us. New mentee registrations are now very limited – we have only a handful of funded places remaining. Mentoring is available to clinicians and leaders working in HNY practices – if you wish to request mentoring we encourage you to register with us as soon as possible as the remaining places are expected to be filled within a few weeks.
- GPMplus Healthy Practice Programme – there are no further funded places available for HNY practices
GPMplus will continue to exist and provide support to General Practice, as we are still commissioned in other areas. Therefore it is possible that HNY practices may be able to continue accessing some of our services, albeit on a practice or PCN funded basis. We have already received enquiries from a number of practices and we are exploring options for practice/PCN funded services.
We would like to hear your views on current GPM Plus services, any gaps in support for practice teams and on potential future funding models. We would be grateful if you could complete the below service review survey which will help shape our future offer:
Thank you for your support of GPMplus over the last 3 years. If there are any services of ours that you’ve been meaning to explore, now is the time to take action, while limited funded places remain. We will keep you informed of any alternative models, but in the meantime if your practice or PCN wishes to discuss any specific support needs, please do feel free to contact us at
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