Interface Guidance

Guidance spelled out in blocks.

This page features guidance on the interface between primary and secondary care.

Declined Referrals: Advice and Guidance – LMC Template Letter

LMC template letter for practices to use when appropriate referrals are rejected, and Advice and Guidance offered.

Workload Rejection – LMC Template Letter

LMC template letter for practices to use when declining requests that are not part of the core GMS/PMS general practice contract. Please note when you download and open the letter you need to click Enable Editing to be able to use the drop down box in the letter.

LMC Guidance on Tasking in Clinical Systems

This guidance outlines the LMC’s position on ‘Tasks’, which is that they should not be used as a method of communicating between providers and GP practices. It includes guidance for practices on how to respond to ‘Tasks’ as a communications route from other providers.

Gender Prescribing Guidance Summary

LMC summary of several pieces of guidance on management of gender incongruence in primary care.

Consensus on the Primary and Secondary Care Interface – Northern Lincolnshire

This May 2024 publication was produced to summarise the consensus of key stakeholders in North and North East Lincolnshire on the responsibilities of clinicians in both secondary and primary care in relation to interface issues. It includes principles to follow for both primary and secondary care. Download the document.

Medical Examiner Process – North Bank

As of April 2024, a new statutory medical examiner (ME) process applies in England and Wales. These guidance documents apply to the north bank on referrals to the medical examiner:

Medical Examiner Community Communications – South Bank

As of April 2024, a new statutory medical examiner (ME) process applies in England and Wales. South Bank colleagues have provided background information on this process, as well as information about the local ME services.  This document contains a list of ME staff. Local ME services are also asking for assistance from practices to pilot their new processes. Until this becomes a statutory requirement, engaging in this process remains voluntary. Contact details are contained in the document.

Patient Safety Incident Investigation Report – HUTH/General Practice Radiology
Processing Electronic Radiology Results from HUTH Guidance

On Friday 22 September 2023, general practice received an email from the Radiology Department at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. The e-mail included a list of patients for whom notifications about radiology investigation results had not been sent. Since September, Place colleagues have worked with HUTH and general practice to understand how this problem occurred, and what could be done to prevent this happening in the future. This report details their investigation, and its outcome. The report contains recommendations for both primary and secondary care. The recommendations from Place to general practice can be found on page 17. It is particularly worth noting the issue of un-serviced email inboxes, as this has been flagged as a potential issue for all practices across the ICS. Our understanding is that further work is being done on this after a second incident in North Yorkshire, and practices may be contacted by the ICB in relation to this.

Humberside LMC Interface Report January 2024

LMC report based on feedback from practices regarding interface issues between primary and secondary care providers. Read more.

Private Provider Interface

The LMC has published guidance on the interface between primary care and private providers, which continues to be a significant source of unresourced workload. Read more.