Practice Management

General Medical Services (GMS) Ready Reckoner 2021/22 (March 2021)

A new ready reckoner has been produced by NHS England and NHS Improvement in partnership with the BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC) and is intended to provide an indication of the changes in income streams that may affect a GMS practice and Primary Care Network (PCN) from 1 April 2021.


Implementing the 202-/22 GP Contract Changes to PMS and APMS Contracts (March 2021)

NHSE/I have published this document which sets out the approach to the funding changes that will apply to Personal Medical Services (PMS) and Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contracts. Commissioners will update local PMS and APMS contracts as soon as possible, applying the funding changes identified in this guidance with effect from 1 April 2021.


Guide to Solicitors with Experience in GP Partnership Agreements (2018)

Having an up-to-date partnership agreement in place is vitally important in avoiding costly and prolonged disputes which can cause great instability and uncertainty in a practice. However, it’s crucial that you get the right support and advice in developing an agreement which covers all likely issues and provides protection for all parties. This Humberside LMCs guide was created to help practices access legal advice in producing a new agreement or reviewing or updating an existing agreement.


Myth-busting Questions on Partnerships for GP Trainees (2018)

This guidance by Dr Nigel Watson & Dr Nish Manek provides answers to a number of questions GP trainees have about what it means to be a GP partner. It includes information on the benefits, risks, responsibilities, entitlements, and many other issues.