Practice Management

Physician Associates

Links to guidance for practices on employing Physician Associates.

Safe Working Handbook

Guidance published by the GPCE to support and enable practices to prioritise their delivery of safe, high-quality patient care. Read more.

2024/25 DDRB

Guidance available:

  • DDRB 2024/25 LMC FAQs
  • BMA Guidance 2024/25 DDRB

Read more

Domestic Terrorism – Far Right Riots & Islamophobic Protests

Advice for all practices to consider putting in place measures in the event they are affected by violence seen in parts of the country in August 2024.

Information Governance

Link to the Information Governance Service hosted by N3i (Humber area NHS IT provider). Include factsheets, blogs, videos, and monthly information governance updates.

GP Contract 2024/25

Letter from Dr Amanda Doyle, National Director for Primary Care and Community Services, NHSE, providing information on arrangements for the 2024/25 GP contract.

Pharmacy First Service

This Community Pharmacy England Briefing provides information for Local Medical Committees and general practices on the Pharmacy First service, as well as highlighting the expansion of the Pharmacy Contraception Service and the Hypertension Case-Finding Service.

GP Practices

Link to the BMA’s suite of information for GP partners, practice managers and doctors to use to ensure your practice is compliant and delivering the best patient care.

Dealing with Abuse on Social Media

Steps that GP practices can take against patients who leave abusive comments on social media or websites – including what to do first, reporting content to the provider and criminal and civil actions.


Link to the BMA’s contract resources including model contracts, terms and conditions, FAQs and guides.