Practice Management

GP Trainees Mileage Payment

NHS Employers and the BMA have published joint guidance for the reimbursement of home to principle place of work mileage for trainees in a GP practice. The guidance will provide the necessary information for employing organisations on operationalising the current provisions in the absence of an updated version of the terms and conditions. This is applicable to both back dated and future claims.


Information for Registrars

A short guide to the role of Humberside LMCs for GP Registrars.


Advantages and Disadvantages of GP Locum Work

This is an extract from the BMA’s Locum GP Handbook which provides guidance on the pros and cons of working as a locum.


Myth-busting Questions on Partnerships for GP Trainees (2018)

This guidance by Dr Nigel Watson & Dr Nish Manek provides answers to a number of questions GP trainees have about what it means to be a GP partner. It includes information on the benefits, risks, responsibilities, entitlements, and many other issues.


Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice FAQs

This is a link to NHS Resolution which provides answers to frequently asked questions about the state backed indemnity scheme for GPs. It provides a useful overview of what is covered by the scheme and factors to consider.