Urgent Support

Do You Need

If you feel you are no longer able to cope it’s really important that you seek support.

This page gives details of services and organisations that can help you in a crisis.

*Far Right Riots and Islamophobic Protests* We are advising all practices to consider putting measures in place in the event you are in an area affected by the recent horrific violence. Read more.

Services for NHS Staff:

NHS Practitioner Health – a free, confidential NHS service for doctors, dentists, and staff grade 8d or above in England.

BMA Counselling and Peer Support Services – free, confidential 24/7 counselling and peer support open to all doctors and medical students (regardless of BMA membership)

If you need someone to talk to, there is a confidential NHS text support service which you can access support by texting FRONTLINE to 85258 for support 24/7.  This service is available to all NHS colleagues who have had a tough day, who are feeling worried or overwhelmed, or who have a lot on their mind and need to talk it through.

NHS England – Support Available – details of support offers in place for NHS colleagues which suit a range of different health and wellbeing needs.

Other Sources of Help 

If you or someone else is in crisis and need to speak to someone:

  • Call NHS 111 and select the mental health option (for when you need help but are not in immediate danger), or get help from NHS 111 online
  • Contact your GP and ask for an emergency appointment

There are other available 24/7 helplines if you find yourself in need of mental health support:


Whatever you’re going through, you can call or email Samaritans any time for free.


Mind offers advice, support and information to people experiencing a mental health difficulty and their family and friends. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm (except bank holidays).

Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Mental Illness works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life. It provides effective services and support and campaigns for change through greater awareness and understanding.


This helpline is available to anybody under the age of 35 experiencing suicidal thoughts, or anybody concerned that a young person could be thinking of suicide.

Tel0800 068 4141


Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis and in need of immediate help with suicidal thoughts, abuse, self-harm or bullying.